Endodontics Post Op

Post-Op Instructions for Root Canal Treatment

1. While you are anaesthetized, “frozen”, and may not have feeling in the area, please avoid eating or drinking anything hot as you may not feel the heat and may burn yourself.

2. You may have had a temporary restoration placed in your tooth:

a) If root canal therapy has been initiated you must schedule an additional appointment(s) at our office for completion.

b) If root canal therapy has been completed, you must return to your regular dentist to have the temporary filling replaced. A crown may be recommended. Please avoid pressure or chewing on the tooth (teeth) that has been treated until you have seen your regular dentist for permanent restoration.

c) Please call  as soon as possible after completion of root canal treatment to make an appointment at a time which is convenient for you and your dentist for permanent restoration.

3. You may experience some discomfort on the tooth that has been treated. This may last anywhere between 7-10 days. Swelling in the affected area may also occur. These are not unusual post-operative events.

4. Please continue with any medications prescribed, unless instructed otherwise by the doctor. Notify the office of any problems that may arise from medications being taken.

If Your Tooth Has Been Left Open To Drain

In order to alleviate your distress, your tooth has been left open for drainage. Follow these instructions until your next appointment:

1. Irrigate your tooth as instructed with warm salt water for five minutes after every meal or snack (one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water). Place the warm water in the affected area, hold it there until it cools, then rinse out. A small piece of cotton may have been placed in your tooth. If it falls out,,it may be replaced with a fresh piece provided for you.

2. Avoid blocking the open tooth with food by cautiously eating on the opposite side of your mouth. Avoid eating foods that may contain small seeds in it that may get caught in the tooth. To prevent any accidental food blockage, continuously and gently rinse after meals or snacks with warm salt water.

3. Avoid using objects (such as toothpicks) to remove debris within the tooth. Gentle and continuous warm salt water rinses are often all that are needed for removal of debris.

4. If medication(s) have been prescribed, use according to directions.